1. 字母表
2. 字符串
3. 空串
4. 字符串的长度
5. 字符串连接
6. 字符串的幂
7. 集合的连接
8. 集合A的幂
9. 克林闭包(Kleene Closure)
10. 正闭包(Positive Closure)
1. DFA Definition
A deterministic finite automaton (DFA) A = (Q, Σ*, δ, q0, F*) is given by:
- A finite set of states Q (有穷状态集)
- A finite set of input symbols, the alphabet, Σ (有穷输入符号集或字母表)
- A transition function δ ∈ Q × Σ → Q (状态转移函数)
- An initial state q0 ∈ Q (初始状态)
- A set of final states F ⊆ Q (终结状态集或接受状态集)
The initial states are sometimes called start states, and the final states are
sometimes called accepting states.
As an example consider the following automaton
D = ({q0, q1, q2}, {0, 1}, δD, q0, {q2})
transition table
transition diagram
笛卡尔积得到的两个transition diagram合并的图